CJSC “Tosnensky mixed feed factory”

комбикорм оптом для свиней, кур, поросят, кур несушек

CJSC “TOSNENSKY MIXED FEED FACTORY” is a modern enterprise that produces a full range of compound feeds, protein-, vitamin-, and mineral-supplements and premixes for farm animals and poultry, including compound feeds made according to the individual composition. These feeds are developed considering the animal breed, its feeding conditions, feeding method and many other factors. 

Currently, CJSC “Tosnensky mixed feed factory” is recognized as one of the leading manufacturers of animal compound feeds in the Leningrad Region.

Now, we have been producing high-quality compound feeds balanced on various factors for farm animals and poultry for almost 45 years.

Composition of compound feeds is developed taking into account the livestock and feed base of specific farms.



Data transparency, client-oriented approach, quick feedback and operational efficiency. 


Out products. “Tosnensky mixed feed factory” adheres to the principles of retention natural components in animal nutrition very strictly. Our ecofriendly products are the best choice for farmers or large farm owners who cares for healthy livestock and poultry and for high-quality weight gain of animals.
Our stuff. The enterprise stuff is a team of young and already experienced employees with competitive wages. We exert efforts to ensure the reliable future for the factory as a whole and for each individual employee in particular. Convenience of our customers is our main priority and we hold on to this principle from the first telephone call to the delivery of goods to their destination point.Partners and contractors are not just customers for us, but they are members of the same team; stable and sustainable development is our common goal.
Our stuff. Our strategic target is to become a leader of high-quality feed production in the North-West region of Russia.



The factory products are intended for poultry, pigs, rabbits, horses, cattle and small ruminants of all age groups. The factory produces expanded and pelletized compound feeds, grained compound feeds and premixes and protein-, vitamin- and mineral-concentrates.

The advanced technologies and units (pellet mills, mixers, coolers, fans, sifters and grinders) are used in the production process. This ensures saving in our high-quality feeds all required nutrients and vitamins. This allows to get the high quality homogeneous feeds in each batch, and to ensure better safety of products during transportation.

Full automation of the component dosing and mixing system helps to produce products of the declared quality.



ПК 1-1

laying hens

ПК 1-2

laying hens aged 45 weeks and older

ПК 2

chicken aged 1 to 7 weeks

ПК 3

growing hens aged from 8 to 14 weeks

ПК 4

growing hens aged from 14 to 17 weeks

ПК 5

broilers aged from 21 to 28 days

ПК 6

broilers aged from 28 to 42 days

ПК 11

growing turkeys aged from 1 to 8 weeks

ПК 12

growing turkeys aged from 9 to 17 weeks

ДК 52

compound feed for quail from 7 weeks of age

ДК 62,

ДК 63

feed for young animals and for the parent herd of ostriches



feed for laying ducks


ПК 90

compound feed for rabbit fattening



single sows and farrow sows


nursing sows and stud boars


piglets aged from 5 to 28 days


piglets aged from 28 to 42 days


piglets aged from 42 to 60 days


rearing store pigs aged from 4 to 8 months


fattening (first period)


fattening (second period)


meat fattening of pigs


fattening of pigs to fatty conditions



diary cows and heifers (stall-feeding period)


diary cows and heifers (grazing period)


high-producing cows (stall-feeding period)


high-producing cows (grazing period)


calves aged up to 4 months


growing cattle aged from 4 to 12 months


growing cattle aged from 12 to 18 months


cattle fattening


stud bulls



is a compound feed for sheep and lactating goats


is a compound feed for feeding young goats and sheep older than 4 months



is a compound feed for sporting and trained horses



  • production of the full range of compound feeds;
  • production of protein-, vitamin- and mineral-supplements;
  • production of premixes for farm animals and poultry;
  • production of feeds made according to the individual composition;
  • adding of favorite components according to the custom composition;
  • advises of a professional veterinary physician upon ordering feeds;
  • reception, shipment and storage of raw materials and finished products in a specially equipped warehouse;
  • timely delivery of compound feeds using our own vehicles.



Currently, the enterprise uses advanced equipment made by leading manufacturers: Buhler (Switzerland), Andritz Feed & Biofuel (Denmark), Texneks (Russia) and MUENCH Edelstahl GmbH (Germany).

The factory features the following high-tech production lines:

  • Supplementation of compound feeds with liquid components;
  • Extrusion of cereals and oilseed crops;
  • Pelletizing at 100% power capacity;
  • Production of premixes.

The factory production facilities are being reconstructed well underway. All main production processes completely automated by the at 2012.


The testing process and technological laboratory of  Tosnensky mixed feed factory has been equipped with modern equipment. Qualified laboratory specialists continuously analyze the raw materials and output products. This ensures timely delivery of compound feeds to customers without breach of schedule. 

Due to continuous operation of the factory, continuous improvement of the product range and increasing production volumes, the number of laboratory analyzes and studies increases. Currently, the factory, including its laboratory facilities and equipment, is being modernized.  

The testing laboratory of Tosnensky mixed feed factory complies with the basic requirements of the national standard GOST R 51000.4-2008 and other regulatory documents establishing the requirements for the components of testing laboratories. The laboratory is certified by the Federal State Institution “Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Leningrad Region”.

The personnel of the process and technological laboratory of Tosnensky mixed feed factory actively shares its experience with other laboratories, including Western ones; the employees undergo trainings and also advanced professional trainings in International organizations.

The testing laboratory has national and international standards and other documents establishing the requirements to products and research methods. The library for the personnel is available.

The testing laboratory of Tosnensky mixed feed factory carries out quality control of all products. Laboratory personnel is responsible for making the compound feeds balanced and compliant with all the requirements and declared indicators. Compositions of compound feeds and feed supplements are also prepared by the laboratory personnel.

To guarantee the high quality of products to the customer, a three-level control system is implemented in the laboratory of the factory:

  • Incoming inspection of raw materials: accompanying documents are checked, organoleptic parameters of raw materials are determined, laboratory tests are carried out. Production personnel and testing laboratory carry out compound feed production process control from start to finish. The compositions of produced compound feeds are calculated based on the analysis results of the delivered raw materials.
  • The final product inspection is one of the most important and critical stages of work. It also includes hourly sampling during the production process. Organoleptic and individual physicochemical parameters, pest infection, toxicity and humidity content in products are determined for each batch of the feed. Content of fats, crude fiber, ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, etc. is randomly checked.
  • At the stage of compound feed sale, samples are taken for storage and further random check of nutritional indicators.

Modern equipment of the process and technological laboratory of Tosnensky mixed feed factory ensures obtaining all the necessary analyzes and accurate results within a short time. Based on the results of final product control tests, the veterinary certificates are issued that accompany all shipped compound feeds and feed supplements.

The primary objective of the process and technological laboratory of Tosnensky mixed feed factory is output product quality assurance and safety. The compound feed production process is checked at all stages: raw materials quality is checked during the incoming inspection, the entire work process is checked and the final products are tested. 

Сompound feeds, premixes and protein-, vitamin- and mineral-concentrates produced by Tosnensky mixed feed factory are subject to mandatory certification in accordance with the “Rules for certification of compound feeds and feed supplements...” approved by GOST. This ensures that our customers get high-quality products. Tosnensky mixed feed factory products meet all the requirements of the regulatory documents adopted in Russia and comply with the international standards.

Quick response quality control of compound feeds and feed supplements is carried out by the production personnel of the factory.  The personnel of the research laboratory checks each batch of the final products. The compliance of physical and chemical indicators is carefully checked. The indicators are guaranteed by the composition agreed with the customer

The factory pays particular attention to safety assurance. The products are checked for foreign odors, metallic and magnetic impurities, toxicity and contamination with agricultural pests.  

Various bacteriological indicators are evaluated; fat acidity value, protein content, non-protein nitrogen, soluble and crude protein, plant fiber, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, vitamins and minerals are determined. 

In accordance with GOST 13496.7, the Tosnensky mixed feed factory production laboratory carries out microbiological and toxicological studies of raw materials and final products. 

The factory warehouse and amenity premises, production equipment and enterprise territory are always kept clean and meet the veterinary and sanitary requirements.

Our mission is to produce high-quality products that are constantly in demand by the consumers. 

Contact us

Address: 187029, Leningrad Region, Tosnensky District, vill. Nurma
Anton Surushkin
commercial Director,   
 e-mail :
tel./watsapp .: +7 (921) 093-22-86


Address: 187029, Leningrad Region,
Tosnensky District, vill. Nurma
Tel.: +7-921-093-22-86